


Jasmine Group口コミ投稿
全国 / 出張性感マッサージ


  • 2022-06-10

    English Corner: Greetings

    Hi, how are you? I"m fine, thank you. And you?
    You probably learned this greeting in junior high school English class. But to be honest, it"s not very natural for everyday English.
    I would like to share some regular English greetings.
    First, these are very standard greetings:
    Good morning.
    Good afternoon.
    Good evening.
    These greetings are universal. They work for polite situations, and can be used with friends as well. Please note that "good night" is a greeting said before bed time. So if you meet someone at night time, do not say "good night."
    Greeting for first time meeting:
    Nice to meet you.
    Greeting for second time+ meeting:
    Nice to see you.
    Good to see you.
    Casual greeting:
    What"s up?
    How"s it going?
    Many of you may be wanting to know how to greet a therapist. Here are some options:
    I"m so glad to see you! (お会いできてとても嬉しいです)
    I"m looking forward to our time together. (一緒に過ごす時間を楽しみにしています。)
    Why not try an English greeting with your favorite therapist?